Friday, August 28, 2009

Can We Talk?

Adapted from an article "Can We Talk - Yes, you can bring back the art of family conversation and promote trust and respect at the same time." by Melody Warnick

1. Set ground rules - Consider these questions: Everyone believes there should be no put downs, but what will you do if this happens? How will you disagree? How will you bring up ideas?

2. Teach the graces - model the types of responses you would like to get.

3. Ask interesting questions.

4. Let bad grammar slide.

5. Pull the plug...on technology.

6. Share family stories. Share about your life before your children were in it! Marshall P. Duke, professor of clinical psychology, "When they hear family stories, children realize that they are part of a tale that goes back yo before they were born. That gives them a sense of security and stability."

7. Drop the REAL.

8. Learn together - Bring up topics that you'd like to learn more about. OR let your child teach you something that you truly didn't know before.

9. Let kids express their feelings. Ask them to elaborate on feelings...even if you wish they weren't having them!

10. Dig deeper. Ask quality questions that get you to deeper levels!

Games for conversation:

Food for Talk - collection of cards with questions and topic designed to take dinner-table conversation to the next level. (

Table Topics - compelling conversation starters can be shared over dinner. Topics for family, teen, couples, and girls night out. (

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